Is jealous and possessive, won't let you have friends, checks up on you, won't accept breaking up.
Tries to control you by being very bossy, giving orders, making all the decisions, not taking your opinions seriously.
Puts you down in front of friends, tells you that you would be nothing without him or her.
Scares you. Makes you worry about reactions to things you say or do. Threatens you. Uses or owns weapons.
Is violent. Has a history of fighting, loses temper quickly, brags about mistreating others. Grabs, pushes, shoves, or hits you.
Pressures you for sex or is forceful or scary about sex. Gets too serious about the relationship too fast.
Abuses alcohol or other drugs and pressures you to take them.
Has a history of failed relationships and blames the other person for all the problems.
Makes you family and friends uneasy and concerned for your safety.
If You Want Out of an Abusive Relationship
Tell a family member, a friend, a counselor, a clergyman, or someone else whom you trust and can help. The more isolated you are from friends and family the more control the abuser has over you.
Keep a daily log of the abuse.
Do not meet your partner alone. Do not let him or her in your home or car when you are alone.
Avoid being alone at school, work, on the way to and from places.
Tell someone where you are going and when you plan to be back.
Plan and rehearse what you would do if your partner became abusive.
If you are a student, alert the school counselor or security officer.
How to Be a Friend to a Victim of Dating Violence
If you notice a friend is in an abusive relationship, don't ignore signs of abuse. Talk to your friend.
Express your concerns. Tell your friend you're worried. Support, don't judge.
Point out your friends stregths, many people in abusive relationships are no longer capable of seeing their own abilities and gifts.
Offer to go with them for help.
If you are a teen: Encourage them to confide in a trusted adult. Talk to a trusted adult if you believe the situation is getting worse.
Never put yourself in a dangerous situation with the victim's partner. Don't be a mediator.
Call the police if you witness an assault.
If you are a teen: Tell an adult, a school principle, parent, guidance counselor.