Fullerton, CA
Home MenuGeneral Plan
The Fullerton Plan, adopted on May 1, 2012, is a fundamental governance document that guides decision-making, actions, programs, and crafting of more specific policies for the future of Fullerton. The legal adequacy of The Fullerton Plan is significant since many City actions and programs are required to be consistent with The Fullerton Plan. The process of developing the plan included input from many different groups and individuals.
State law requires that General Plans address the seven topics (referred to as "Elements") of land use, circulation, housing, open space, conservation, safety and noise. A General Plan may also include other topics of local interest, as chosen by the local jurisdiction. Choose from the links below:
- The Fullerton Plan - all elements, on a separate page
- Bicycle Master Plan and maps
- Climate Action Plan
- Final Program EIR for The Fullerton Plan, Bicycle Master Plan, and Climate Action Plan
- Fullerton Housing Element
- 1996 General Plan - provided for reference and research.